Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fall into Fall Giveaway!

Yep, that's right it is giveaway time! I've never done one before but couldn't stand it and just HAD to join in on the fun. On October 1 I will be posting pics of my giveaway along with alot of other quilters and companies.

If you are interested in participating head on over to to check out the participants so far.

On the quilty front I don't have much new to show, I am making Christmas gifts for my small quilt group Gone to Pieces so can't show finishes (they might see!). But instead will show some pictures from my Guild's quilt show this year......

Isn't this amazing!

This is a little too country for me but the applique is beautiful!
There are some really talented appliquers in the Guild....

and just look at the quilting!  (Drool, Drool wipe keyboard).  There are some incredibly talented people here! Man, I really wish I could quilt like that.

The lighting wasn't really good at our new location and these pics were all taken with my Iphone.  I need to get better at the whole picture taking thing but overall the pictures weren't bad. I hope you enjoyed the eye candy and check out the giveaway!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Design wall Monday on Tuesday

Yep, out here in the Wild West we make our own rules. (I was born and raised in Arizona and no matter where I go I have a prickly pear heart!)  It is Design wall Monday, on Tuesday. That whole Monday off thing really messes with my week so today is Monday for me, even though it is Tuesday.  And on my design wall I have the blocks started for a BOM called Floribunda. Block one is reds/orange and I notice one of the circles is a little off - I will have to fix that, and no I am not a perfectionist, I am a recovered perfectionist. Mostly. 

Block 2 is in the works, and I like the way it is coming along. Purple is not my favorite color and the one I least like to work with.

Not on the wall but in my machine is a machine applique block.  I wanted to make this quilt called Crows in the Corner but the center block just felt flat to me so I changed it to this. Then I didn't like the borders so those are out too. And now I realize, in the end, I will not have made the quilt I set out to make at all! It went a completely different direction.  That is how it often works out for me, I start with a pattern and go all Wild West - off on my own. I usually hand applique but decided to do some experimenting with my machine. It isn't new to me, I have had it for several years but have not done much with it besides piece and quilt.  I am really happy with the satin stitch it makes.

Overall, I have been really happy with this machine. (It is a Brother Pacesetter quilters version). Every once in a while I think about going back to a Pfaff because the dual feed dogs are really nice for piecing. But this machine just works! I can switch from piecing to machine quilting, change thread, you name it and I have never had a problem. Thread tension problems are a thing of the past. It has a built-in needle threader, which I use all the time, and little thread cutters everywhere - at the bobbin winder, on the side, in the bobbin case, and a built in push button when you come to the end of a stitch. I don't ever use scissors anymore to cut threads. It is great to "just sew". 

Well, enough ramblings - back to work and then the reward of quilting!